Film + VR + Television director, anchor, writer and producer


El agua que fino del fuego - Short Documentary

Un afluente del río Limón pasa detrás de la casa de Grisel en Maracay, la quinta ciudad más poblada de Venezuela. En septiembre de 2020 un alud arrastró lodo, troncos y rocas desde la cuenca en el Parque Nacional Henri Pittier hasta la ciudad. Grisel quedó atrapada y su hogar tapiado. 2020 fue el peor año de fuego en registro para el parque nacional. Los incendios aumentan el riesgo de inundaciones y de flujo de escombros. Se requiere menos lluvia para desencadenar desastres naturales en cuencas quemadas.

Co-director, Co-writer & Producer.

Este corto es parte de “Incendios en Venezuela” un proyecto de análisis de datos satelitales e investigación de Prodavinci, hecho con el apoyo del Rainforest Journalism Fund y del Pulitzer Center for Journalism.


“Fuerza Latina” programa semanal de Deutsche Welle en español

Las mujeres en Latinoamérica ganan protagonismo en todos los ámbitos. Con tenacidad y perseverancia se proponen cambiar la sociedad y alzan su voz para reclamar derechos y denunciar injusticias. Fuerza Latina les presenta a las protagonistas de un movimiento sin precedentes que no conoce fronteras.

Natalia Orozco, de Colombia, Yoani Sánchez, de Cuba y Helena Carpio, de Venezuela, se alternan la conducción de Fuerza Latina. Cada semana, las tres periodistas salen en busca de protagonistas singulares a lo largo y ancho del continente. Nos acercan sus fascinantes historias y nos muestran el entorno en el que viven y trabajan. Hablan de los logros alcanzados, de los que aún tienen pendientes y de los desafíos a los que se enfrentan día a día.

Nos revelan sus sueños, sus temores y nos hacen partícipes de su lucha por un mundo más justo. Son mujeres extraordinarias que pasan a la acción para defender y reclamar sus derechos, para transformar su entorno desde la educación, la política, la empresa privada; mujeres que no dudan un instante en tomar las riendas de su destino. Conózcalas cada semana en Fuerza Latina.

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El Último Glaciar | The Last Glacier - Documentary feature (in production)

Venezuela could become the first country to lose all it’s glaciers. Despite the nation's crippling humanitarian and economic crisis, a journalist and a scientist set out to register the disappearance of 'La Corona Glacier', the last remaining ice giant in the Venezuelan Andes, to translate its extinction. The two uncover secrets of the glacier's past that shake the course of the expedition.

Co-director & Producer.

This documentary feature is currently in production, seeking co-production and funding.

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“Nunca hubo después” - Short documentary

En Venezuela la pensión mensual equivale a dos dólares. El monto no alcanza para vivir. Ysaura, Eladio y Nancy son parte de los 5 millones de pensionados que trabajaron más de veinte años buscando una vejez digna. Pero el sistema de seguridad social les falló cuando más lo necesitaron.

Guión & Producción.

Este documental es parte de “Envejecer en Venezuela: la promesa rota,” un especial de investigación de Prodavinci.


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FRONTERA - Immersive VR (in production)

At the break of dawn, Maria, a Venezuelan migrant, searches for refuge in a foreign city. Users are invited to interact with the few belongings she was able to carry with her. Each object is tied to one of her memories. By exploring them, the user triggers immersive flashbacks that unlock her past and piece together her present. 

Co-writer & Creative Producer.

This virtual reality experience was selected by La Biennale di Venezia for its College Cinema - VR. The piece was also recognized by VIFF, Kaleidoscope and VULCAN.

FRONTERA is built for the Oculus Quest and uses photogrammetry, 3D point cloud modeling and animation.


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ABC Nightline’s Exodus: A Mother's Journey

With the economy in Venezuela in ruins and an estimated 3 million residents already fleeing, Matt Gutman continues his reporting on the crisis, the mass exodus and why some families will risk everything to escape.

Field producer.

A Mother’s Journey was nominated for a News and Documentary Emmy in the Outstanding Feature Story in Newscast category.

(ENG with spanish subtitles)


Zero Hour/Hora Cero: Venezuela's crisis through a mother's eyes

This documentary feature chronicles, through a mother’s eyes, the 2017 wave of protests that shook Venezuela and resulted in the death of over 150 people. It also provides context for the political and economic crisis ravaging the country.

Field producer.

Venezuela’s crisis through a mother’s eyes was nominated for a News and Documentary Emmy in the Outstanding Feature Story in Spanish category.

(ESP with english subtitles)

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Tepuyeras - Short Documentary

Despite the worst economic and political crisis in their country’s history, seven women from different backgrounds strive to make history as the first all-women expedition to climb a Tepui, a flat-topped mountain made out of the oldest sedimentary rock in the planet.

Director, DOP, Producer (drone + DSLR).

Tepuyeras was awarded Best Film 2018, Best Photography and Best Film in its Category (Earth), at the Ascenso Adventure Festival. The only adventure film festival in Venezuela. It also won Best Documentary in Latinamerica in the 2019 INKAFEST Mountain Film Festival, South America’s oldest mountain film festival.

(ESP with english subtitles)


Vivir sin agua - Short VR 360 Documentary

This is the first virtual reality 360 documentary made in Venezuela. It tells the story of Jose and his family who have been living without access to running water for over 17 years.

This short feature was part of “Vivir sin agua” (To live without water) an investigation by Prodavinci that travelled to 5 states and analyzed 20,000 water rationing profiles throughout the country, to understand why and how Venezuelans lack access to running water. The investigation discovered that over 9.8 million citizens, about one third of the country, lived under government-imposed water rationing between 2016 and 2017 and received an average of two days of water per week.